
Exterior House Painting

Exterior House Painting Contractors in Georgia

Long-lasting, quality exterior home painting services in Metro Atlanta

Exterior painting comes with a unique set of challenges that must be understood for a high-quality finish. How well your paint withstands these challenges determines the appearance and value of your house, as well as how long before repainting is necessary.

At Roof-Tastic & Beyond (formally PGRS), we specialize in exterior house painting of all types. We take pride in our reputation for great-looking results, fair prices and customer satisfaction.

If you live in the Georgia area and are interested in a free exterior painting quote, contact us today! We serve Atlanta, Peachtree City, Fayetteville, Newnan, Brooks, Peachtree Corners, Moreland, Smyrna, Tyrone, Grantville and many surrounding areas.

The best paint jobs are resilient

When looking for exterior paints, understanding the relative importance of each of the factors that make up a particular paint product is important.

Combined with the unique setting of your home, this decision will be the difference between years of satisfaction with your home’s exterior versus another new paint job 5 years down the line.

Five traits that make the best exterior paint are:

  1. Long-lasting appearance. Your paint should maintain its color and gloss for years to come.
  2. Strong adherence properties. Your paint needs to adhere strongly to the surfaces where it’s applied, particularly if that surface is old, weathered paint.
  3. Chalking resistance. Your paint should resist chalking for the life of the paint.
  4. Flexibility. Your paint should flex and compress with your building materials as they change shape and size with temperature and moisture levels.
  5. Stain and fungal resistance. Your paint should not attract dirt, nor should it be excessively susceptible to mold, algae or mildew growth.

Exterior home painting truths:

  • Paint does not stop mold.
  • Stains will fail faster than paint.
  • Your home’s location matters.
  • Buying in bulk is more cost-effective.
  • The color will look lighter than you think.

Every home has unique paint needs

After considering these factors about your paint, asking more specific questions about your home is also important. How will the wood or siding of your home be prepared to best accept the paint you’re applying? How much UV light does your home experience? Will your home’s new color fit in your neighborhood?

The professionals at Roof-Tastic & Beyond (formally PGRS) help you answer these house painting questions and ensure the best possible paint choice for your home when you schedule a free quote!

Begin your home's painting project today

If you’re looking for professional, knowledgeable and certified house painters to upgrade your home, we’re the experts you’re looking for! We’re proud of the work we do and of the satisfied customers we’ve earned throughout the years.

To meet with one of our specialists for a free quote, contact us by phone or e-mail today! We’ll inspect your home, answer any questions and provide our pricing in written form.

We proudly serve throughout Peachtree City, Atlanta, Fayetteville, Brooks, Newnan, Moreland, Peachtree Corners, Tyrone, Grantville, Smyrna and many surrounding areas.

Ready to begin your exterior remodeling project?